Use an rxWritable just like a Svelte writable, but with the option to pipe
RxJS operators
and compose streams. It has all the benefits of simple Svelte store syntax + robust RxJS utility.
const mousemove = rxWritable(null); const mouseXYDiff = mousemove.pipe( filter(evt => !!evt), debounceTime(200), map(evt => { return {x: evt.clientX, y: evt.clientY} }), tap(position => console.log("rxWritable:", position)), map(position => position.x - position.y) ) <div on:mousemove={event => $mousemove = event}> (mousemove over) <span>mouseXYDiff: {JSON.stringify($mouseXYDiff)}</span> </div>
Emits the most recent event via rxEmit(event => event.detail)
after events have stopped
for x number of milliseconds, as specified by the duration option (default is 250ms). Useful when
you only want to handle an event after activity has stopped.
Debounced Text:
Non-Debounced Text:
<input use:rxDebounce on:rxEmit={handleInputChange} />
Makes a GET request using the input value whenever it changes. The rxGETStatus event will emit with event detail whenever the status changes. Pending requests are automatically cancelled when a new request is made. Use options to adjust the debounce time, query parameters, or a formatting function if you want to customize how the input value is used.
Event Detail Schema:
value: string;
the current input valueresponse: any
contains the response object when status is SUCCESS or ERROR, otherwisenull
Request Status:
IDLEResults: (0)
import { rxGETFromInput, rxGETStatusDetails } from 'svelte-fuse-rx'; let reqStatus = 'IDLE'; let repos = []; const handleRequest = (eventDetail: rxGETStatusDetails) => { const { status, response } = eventDetail; reqStatus = status; if (status === 'SUCCESS') { repos = response.items; } else { repos = []; } }; // ... <input use:rxGETFromInput={{ baseURL, queryParamKey: 'q', queryParams: 'per_page=5' }} on:rxGETStatus={(e) => handleRequest(e.detail)} />
Emits an event (if one occurs) via rxEmit(event => event.detail)
every x number of milliseconds,
as specified by the throttle duration option (default is 250ms). Useful when you only want to handle
an event every x number of milliseconds.
(mousemove over and watch console)
<div use:rxThrottle={{ on: 'mousemove', duration: 1000 }} on:rxEmit={handleMousemoveCoords} >
Emits an array of events via rxEmit(event => event.detail)
that have accumulated over
the specified number of milliseconds (default is 250ms). If no event has occurred, it will not emit
empty arrays.
(mousemove over and watch console)
<div use:rxBufferTime={{ on: 'mousemove', duration: 250 }} on:rxEmit={handleMousemoveBuffer} >
Emits an array of events via rxEmit(event => event.detail)
when the specified count
is reached (default is 25).
(mousemove over and watch console)
<div use:rxBufferCount={{ on: 'mousemove', count: 25 }} on:rxEmit={handleMousemoveBuffer} >